Tuesday, January 5, 2016

MSc - II

Programming in Java 

1.  WAP to print "Namaste Bharat".
2.  WAP to add two integer Number and print output.
3.  WAP to add two float Number and print output.
4.  WAP to add one float and one integer  and print the output.
5.  WAP to to convert the given temprature in Fahrenheit to Celsius using the following formula
                                               C = F-32/1.8
6.  WAP to find the largest number from given three number.
7.  WAP to find factorial of given number.
8.  WAP to find following triagnle
                             1 2
                             1 2 3
                             1 2 3 4
                             1 2 3 4 5
9.  WAP to find following triagnle
                             $ $ $ $ $
                                $ $ $ $
                                   $ $ $
                                      $ $

10. WAP to create a calculator using switch statement.
11. WAP to reverse the given Number.
12. Create a program using class MathOperation. Class should have four method : Addition,                  Multiplication, Substraction and Division.
13. Write a class to represent a bank account, Including following member
      Data Member 
          a) Name of the Descriptor
          b) Account Number
          c) Type of Account
          d) Balance amount in the account
         1) To assign initial Value
         2) To deposit an amount
         3) To withdraw an amount after checking balance
         4)  To display the name and balance    
14. Write a program in Java,get an integer value and convert in following a
            n = 5814
           The digits of n are 5 , 8, 1 and 4.
15. Write and test this method that implements the power function
                static  double pow(double x, int y)

16. Write and test this method
              static long gcd(long m,long n)
17. Write a program to implement Nested Method.
18. Write a program to implement using array
                     static double max(double[] x)
        It should return maximum of the elements in the array.
19. Implement an Address class for representing postal mailing addresses.
20. Implement an Email class for representing email addresses.
21. Create a class Person inherit the classes Address and Email in this class using Inheritance in Java.
1.       WAP in Java to implement multilevel  in heritance for student create  following classes
22. Personal   1.2 Academic  1.3 Exam
23. Implement Single Inheritance
      24.  Create mypackage and store all your class file into mypackage.
      25.   WAP to implement multithreading. Implement all the states of multithreading.
      26.   WAP for JDBC connectivity with oracle to retrieve the data.
      27.   WAP for JDBC connectivity with mysql to retrieve the data.
      28.   WAP to insert and delete data from and to database table in oracle.
      29.   WAP to insert and delete data from and to database table in mysql.
      30.  WAP to display Namaste Bharat in HTML.
      31.  Write an HTML code to create following table

Father’s Name

      32.   WAP in Java Applet to display Namaste Bharat.
      33.  WAP to add two number using applet

      34.    WAP to  perform operation subtraction, multiplication and division two number using applet

     33. WAP to draw Rectangle, Arc, RoundArc,, Fill these object with yellow color. Display title “Shapes” in Arial Font.
     35.  WAP to display following design in Applet.



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