First Date: Practical# 1 to 15 should be completed before on ....................
Java Script - (Unit-1):
1. Write a HTML program to display "Namaste Bharat" in the web browser.
2. Write an HTML code to create following table
Father’s Name
3. Create a form in HTML with Following fields using DIV and FORM Tag.
4. Write a Java script program to print the hostname of the site, detect the browser name
5. Write a program of Fibonacci series using for loop in java script.
6. Write an HTML code to window handle window alert
a) Alert b) confirm c) prompt
7. Write a Java Script Function that take the value in the text input and converts it from pound to kg and kg to pound.
The conversion factor from pounds to kilograms is 0.45359237 and from kilo grams to pounds is 2.20462262
a) Alert b) confirm c) prompt
7. Write a Java Script Function that take the value in the text input and converts it from pound to kg and kg to pound.
The conversion factor from pounds to kilograms is 0.45359237 and from kilo grams to pounds is 2.20462262
8. Write a program to reverse the given string using java script.
9. Write a program to check whether the given string/number is palindrome or not using java script.
10. Write a program to count the characters of given string using java script.
11. Write a program to display the day of the week as per given input using Java Script.
12. Write a program using Array and Switch statement for displaying the day of week according the choice of user. Sunday should be display for 1, Monday for 2 and so on.
1 13. Write a pattern that matches e-mail addresses. The personal information part contains the following ASCII characters.
1 13. Write a pattern that matches e-mail addresses. The personal information part contains the following ASCII characters.
- Uppercase (A-Z) and lowercase (a-z) English Letter
- Digits (0-9)
- Character ! @ $ % & , ` * + - / + ? ^ _ ' { | } ~
- Character. (period, dot or Fullstop) provided that it is not the first or last character and it will not come one after the other.
14 Write a Java Script Program to Draw the following shapes:
14.1 Hint to Program: getContext, fillRect
14.1 Hint to Program: getContext, fillRect
14.2 Hint to Program: beginPath(),moveTo
14.3 Hint to Program: FillRect, FillStyle 1.
14.4 Hint to Program: FillRect, FillStyle 1.
15. Write a Java Script Program Using onchange event, ,onblure event, document.write, document.writeln.
Java Servlet - (Unit-2) :
16. Write a program in Java Servlet to print "Namaste Bharat".17. WAP to call servlet page from index page using post method.
18. WAP to call servlet page from index page using get method.
19. Write a program to check whether the given string/number is palindrome or not using Java Servlet.
20. Write a program to call a Servlet page context path, class name, local address, local port, method and protocol name.
21. Create a servlet that uses a loop to output an HTML table with 25 rows and 10 columns. For instance, each row could contain “RowX, Col1”, “RowX Col2”, and “RowX Col3”, where X is the current row number.
22. WAP in servlet to pass parameter values from index page(calling page) to servlet page(Called Page)
23. Design User Log in Screen
24. Check following Validation on Login Button designed Practical No 23 (Client Side Validation).
a) User Name must of 3 character only.
b) Password must have at least 6 characters.
c) Password must contain at least one special symbol.
d) Password must contain at leas on number.
Cookies and Database (Unit - 3):
25. Create a table name as student in Oracle Database with following table
a) std_id, std_name.std_add.
b) Insert 5 rows in table using JDBC connectivity
1 Anil Jabalpur
2 Kumar Adhartal
3. Arvind Sadar
4. Narendra Ranji
5. Suresh Medical
26. In Student table has five record update the name Suresh to Anamika using JDBC connectivity procedure servlet.
27.Delete students from student table whose id are 4 and 5 using JDBC connectivity servlet.
28. Fetch and Display (Extract) all the data from student table using JDBC connectivity servlet.
29. WAP in Servlet to set the Cookies from the browser.
30. WAP in Servlet to get the Cookies from the browser.
37. Check following Validate on Login Button Design in Practical No 23
a) If user does not exist in data base, message should appear on button Click "User Does not Exist"
b) If user exist but password is wrong prompt the message "User/Password is incorrect"
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