WAP to
add two number.
WAP to compare two number and display largest
WAP to compare three number and display largest
WAP to check wheather the given number is prime
or not.
WAP to print odd number between 1 to 100.
WAP to compare two dates.
WAP to print the financial year of given date.
WA procedure to fetch data from table emp using
explicit cursor.
9. WA procedure to fetch data from order table
using explicit cursor with attributes.
10. WA procedure to implement too_many_rows,
no_data_found, Zero_Divide and Others exception for prime number.
11. WA procedure to implement defined exception in
financial year.
12. Write a function to check that given no is prime
or not. If prime then return 1 or not prime than return 0.
13. WA procedure ti insert 1000 rows in a tab le
called student using cursor, for loop and exception.
14. WA procedure to create trigger that will restrict to delete, update and Insert DML operation in the data
from table student.
15. WA procedure to insert a row data is inserted
and delete from the table student the fieldare id, operation date, operation
data, operation type and studentid.
16. Perform export a .dmp file and import same file into the user "Vivekanand".
16. Perform export a .dmp file and import same file into the user "Vivekanand".