1. Java Advance Research Topic
- Priya Gupta- Java Beans
- Khushbu Agwarwal - Jar File
- Priyanka - Servlet
- Poonam - Web Application development in 2 and 3 Tier Architecture
- Shweta - Servlet Life Cycle
- Ritu Gupta - GET() and POST() compare
- Rachna Tiwari - HTTP and SSL
- Vidhi Chawla - Session
- Shilpa - Cookies
- Shradha - Database Connectivity
- Neelam - TC/I Socket
- Shipra - RMI
- Deepti Daharwar - JSP form Processing
- Neha Giri - Overview of JSP
- Poonam Singh - JSP Life Cycle
- Swati - JSP Client Request and Server Response
- Security issues when dealing with RMI
2. Assignments
- Priya Gupta - JSP Client Request and Server Response
- Khushbu Agwarwal - JSP Life Cycle
- Priyanka - Overview of JSP
- Poonam - JSP form Processing
- Shweta - RMI
- Ritu Gupta - TCP/IP Socket
- Rachna Tiwari - Database Connectivity
- Vidhi Chawla - Cookies
- Shilpa - Session
- Shradha - HTTP and SSL
- Neelam - GET() and POST() compare
- Shipra - Servlet Life Cycle
- Deepti Daharwar - Web Application development in 2 and 3 Tier Architecture
- Neha Giri - Servlet
- Poonam Singh - Jar File
- Swati - Java Beans
- Vinita - Security issues when dealing with RMI
3. Practical List
First Date: Practical# 1 to 15 should be completed before on 19/09/2014
Second Date: Practical# 15 to 30 should be completed before on 30/09/2014
Write a HTML program to display Hello Aloysius
in the web browser.
Write an HTML code to create following table
Father’s Name
Write a program to using Marquee Tag displaying
name of college for H1 to H6 size of tag.
Write a Java Script program to get the window status.
Write a Java script program to print the
hostname of the site.
Write a Java script program to detect the
browser name.
Write a program of Fibonacci series using for
loop in java script.
Write an HTML code to window handle window alert
b) confirm c) prompt
Write a program to reverse the given string
using java script.
Write a program to check whether the given
number is prime or composite number java
Write a program to check whether the given
string/number is palindrome or not using java script.
Write a
program to count the characters of given string using java script.
Write a program to display the day of the week
as per given input using Java Script.
Write a program to greet you with your name
using date and get hours methods.
17. Write a JavaScript program which compute, the average marks of the following students Then, this average is used to determine the corresponding grade.
Student Name | Marks |
David | 80 |
Vinoth | 77 |
Divya | 88 |
Ishitha | 95 |
Thomas | 68 |
The grades are computed as follows :
Range | Grade |
<60 | F |
<70 | D |
<80 | C |
<90 | B |
<100 | A |
18. Write a JavaScript function that generates all combinations of a string.
Example string : 'dog'
Expected Output : d,do,dog,o,og,g
19. Write a pattern that
matches e-mail addresses. The personal information part contains the following ASCII characters.
· Uppercase (A-Z) and
lowercase (a-z) English letters.
· Digits (0-9).
· Characters ! #
$ % & ' * + - / = ? ^ _ ` { | } ~
· Character. ( period,
dot or fullstop) provided that it is not the first or last character and it
will not come one after the other.
20. Write a JavaScript function that takes the
value in the text input and converts it from pound to kg and kg to pound .
conversion factor from pounds to kilograms is 0.45359237, and from kilograms to
pounds is 2.20462262.
Sample HTML Screen :
Sample HTML Screen :
21. Write a JavaScript program to draw the
following rectangular shape.
Hint to Program: getContext, fillRect
22. Write a JavaScript program to draw a Triangle.
Hint to Program: beginPath(),moveTo
23. Write a JavaScript program to draw two
intersecting rectangles, one of which has alpha transparency.
Hint to Program: FillRect, FillStyle 1.
24. Draw the Following
25. Write a Java Script
Program Using onchange event.
26. Write a Java Script Program using onblure event.
27. Write a Java Script Program using document.write .
28. Write a Java Script Program using document.writeln .
30. Write a Java Script Program for Checkbox object.
31. "Port Occupied" Error comes when oracle and glassfish server 3(NetBeans IDE during the installation) install on the same port, write the step how to remove the this error.
32. Write a servelet Program to say Hello World.
33. Create Table name as Student in Access Database with following columns
std_id, std_name, std_add insert data using JDBC Connectivity in the student tables servelet
1 Anil Jabalpur
2 Kumar Adhartal
3. Arvind Sadar
4. Narendra Ranji
5. Suresh Medical
34. In Student table has five record update the name Suresh to Anamika using JDBC connectivity procedure servelet.
35. Delete students from the student table whose id are 4 and 5 using JDBC connectivity servelet
36. Fetch and display (Extract) all the data from student table using JDBC connectivity servelet.
Create Table name as Student in Oracle Database with following columns
std_id, std_name, std_add
insert data using JDBC Connectivity in the student tables servelet
1 Anil Jabalpur
2 Kumar Adhartal
3. Arvind Sadar
4. Narendra Ranji
5. Suresh Medical
38. In Student table has five record update the name Suresh to Anamika using JDBC connectivity procedure servlet using oracle database.
std_id, std_name, std_add
insert data using JDBC Connectivity in the student tables servelet
1 Anil Jabalpur
2 Kumar Adhartal
3. Arvind Sadar
4. Narendra Ranji
5. Suresh Medical
38. In Student table has five record update the name Suresh to Anamika using JDBC connectivity procedure servlet using oracle database.
39. Delete students from the student table whose id are 4 and 5 using JDBC connectivity servelet using oracle database..
40. Fetch and display (Extract) all the data from student table using JDBC connectivity servelet using oracle database.
41. WAP to in Java Servlet to display
following information
of Method
URL details
of the protocol in tabular form.
42. WAP in JSP and Servlet. JSP Page
will accept values from the user, transfer these values as a parameter and
display to servlet page. Values are Name, Age, Address, Gender, MobileNo
43. WAP in JSP and Servlet. JSP Page will accept
values from the user, transfer these values as a parameter and display to
servlet page. Values are Name, Age, Address, Gender, MobileNo and insert into these
values in oracle database table name student_det.
44. WAP in Servlet to set the Cookies from the browser.
45. WAP in Servlet to get the Cookies from the browser.
46. WAP in Java to Create Remote Interface for RMI.
47. WAP in Java to Create and Run the server application.
48. WAP in Java to Create and Run the Client application.
49. Write a Program in JSP to Print Hello.
50. Write a Program in
Link: http://www.javatpoint.com/RMI
Advance Research Topic
1. Ku. Khushboo Agarwal
Research Paper Title: JAZZ - An Efficient Compressed Format for Java Archive Files
PPT Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8jRSAwhk8_yd0c4bDRTM25RZXM/edit?usp=sharing
Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8jRSAwhk8_yc3U3OHhuWFJobFE/edit?usp=sharing
2. Ku. Priya Gupta
Research Paper Title: Java Bean
PPT Link: Java Bean PPT Priya
Preliminary Exam Results
Subject: Advance Java
Date: 18/10/2014
Shipra Chourasiya - 32
Neelam Chourasiya - 30
Khusboo Agarwal - 30
Priya Gupta - Absent
Rachana Tiwari - 15
Vidhi Chawala - 27
Poonam Rawat - 20
Ritu Gupta - 12
Shraddha Verma - 20
Priyanka Kumari - 18
Shweta Jain - 20
Deepti Daharal - 24
Swati Rajak - 26
Shilpa Vadnekar - 14
Java Advance Internal Marks
- Priya Gupta - 9
- Khushbu Agwarwal - 9
- Priyanka - 8
- Poonam - 8
- Shweta Jain - 8
- Ritu Gupta - 8
- Rachna Tiwari - 8
- Vidhi Chawla - 8
- Shilpa Vadnekar - 7
- Shradha Verma - 8
- Neelam Chourasiya - 9
- Shipra Chourasiya - 9
- Deepti Daharwar - 8
- Neha Giri - 9
- Poonam Singh - 8
- Swati Rajak - 8
- Vinit Shrivastava - 7